PAC Worldwide Blog

Packaging 101

Big Bubbles in a Mailer? Yes We Did!

If you are like me, you probably send gift cards for presents to your family and friends. Why? Well because they are fast and easy to buy and can be placed inside the card, right? But equally as important you don’t have to buy a box, wrapping paper and tape. And that is if you


Consider the shipping weight

  Have you ever considered shipping weight? The couriers have. Next time you need to send a package contemplate using a poly bubble mailer or flat poly mailer (for your less fragile items). These offer superior protection yet at the lightest weight possible. Take note these are the very same products all the major couriers

Packaging 101

PACjacket System

I am a big fan of Apple from many different perspectives. I love their products.  They continue to amaze me with the advancements they make with each new product. I truly appreciate how they go to market.  They create a demand from the consumer and essentially get people to forget about the cost of their


Creative Recycling

I’ve recently gotten more serious about recycling. I go through 2 – 3 plastic water bottles just about every day. And every day I place the empty bottles in a bag just outside my kitchen door in my garage. But what happens when that bag gets full? Do I know where my nearest recycling drop


You only get one Chance to Leave a First Impression

Those of us in the packaging industry are often noticing things that those outside the packaging industry notice less frequently. Around the holidays many of us get a variety of things sent to us in the mail.  The quality and type of the packaging varies quite a bit. Some items I received came in a basic

Packaging 101

Is a Mailer Just a Mailer?

Awe, the month of Love. Romeo said, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose … by any other name would smell as sweet.” If a rose by any other name is still a rose, is a package by any other name still a package? A box is a box is a box?

Packaging 101

There’s an APP for that!

Apple® marketing is pretty amazing. The “there’s an App for that” commercial really makes you think there is an App for everything. Come to think of it, with over 40,000 apps available, there probably is an App for everything. Even my kids have had a taste of the Kool-Aid and say, “Dad, there has to


Shipping Hardcover Books

I received a book in the mail and it came in a rigid cardboard package. It was probably the hardest to open package I’ve ever received. There were no easy tear pull tabs, just one perforated line down the middle of the mailer. So I proceeded to rip the mailer in half along this perforation.


Santa’s Busy Helpers – Good News for the Economy

When it comes to shipping packages, no other time of year comes close to the volume shipped in the month of December. On December 13th, FedEx expects to ship 17 million packages in one day, or more than double their normal daily volume. UPS will ship close to 120 million packages the week leading up

Packaging 101

The PACJacket System

As most people are making out a list of what they desire this upcoming holiday season, my recent list, up until last week, included the “pros” and “cons” of buying a new furnace and air conditioning system to replace the dated systems that exist in my home today. Pros and Cons of a New HVAC