The Hidden Energy in Plastic Mailers
If you are using plastic mailers, with or without bubble, chances are they were made with polyethylene resin. This means that with each shipment, you are essentially sending out small, stored energy sources. Polyethylene is a versatile material that not only serves as effective packaging but also holds significant energy potential.
The Recycling and Incineration Process
Polyethylene can be recycled multiple times, reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing environmental impact. However, when it reaches the end of its recyclable life, it can be incinerated in a trash-to-steam plant. These facilities are equipped with air scrubbers to ensure that no harmful toxins are released into the atmosphere during the incineration process. This makes the disposal of polyethylene both efficient and environmentally friendly.
The Benefits of Burning Plastics
Trash-to-steam operators particularly favor burning plastics because they generate the highest number of BTUs (British Thermal Units) by mass compared to any other material. This high energy output makes plastics an excellent fuel source for generating steam and electricity. The energy produced from burning plastics can be harnessed to power homes, businesses, and even industrial processes, making it a valuable resource.
Promoting the Green Aspects of Plastic Packaging
It’s important to inform your customers about the “green” aspects of plastic packaging. By understanding that plastic mailers are not just waste but also a potential energy source, customers can appreciate the environmental benefits. Encourage them to recycle plastic packaging whenever possible and to support waste-to-energy initiatives. This way, they can contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.
So, next time you send out a shipment, remember that you are not just using plastic packaging—you are also utilizing a stored energy source. Burn baby burn, but in the most environmentally responsible way!